Novel Research for the Birds
Anyone who aspires to write a historic novel must make a choice; will it be historically accurate or will it just be a story that takes plac

Of Irish Pirates and other Wonderful Women
Just a quick blog about my successful (first ever) book signing. Not ever having done such a thing I wasn't entirely sure what to expec

The Irish Pirate and The Next Chapter
July 1st will – as the title implies – start the next chapter of my writing/publishing career. Author of Black Hearts White Bones blogs abo

BLACK HEARTS ☠WHITE BONES now available on Kindle and Amazon!
Black Hearts White Bones is now available on Kindle and Amazon.

Black Hearts|White Bones – Cover Reveal
If it is true that only those women who behave badly make history, can two women loving badly rewrite it?

Black Hearts|White Bones
A short blog update on the progress of the novel, Black Hearts|White Bones.