Writer's Rhapsody
I think most of my fellow writers out there will appreciate the anecdote I’m about to share. As writers, our Normal Ship left port without
Bloody Bill Scarlette and the Pirates of Literati
In truth, the pirate community is filled with some of the best, most friendly people I’ve ever met. At this point I’ve made numerous acquain
Of Irish Pirates and other Wonderful Women
Just a quick blog about my successful (first ever) book signing. Not ever having done such a thing I wasn't entirely sure what to expec
The Irish Pirate and The Next Chapter
July 1st will – as the title implies – start the next chapter of my writing/publishing career. Author of Black Hearts White Bones blogs abo
BLACK HEARTS ☠WHITE BONES now available on Kindle and Amazon!
Black Hearts White Bones is now available on Kindle and Amazon.