Can You Hear the Whisper?
In the tradition of Legends of the Fall and Cold Mountain, Aphrodite’s Whisper is one of those rare stories that transports the reader to a

How to Nookd New Friends and Readers
As I was reading, I came across this sentence: "It was as if a light had been Nookd in a carved and painted lantern...." Thinking

Writer's Rhapsody
I think most of my fellow writers out there will appreciate the anecdote I’m about to share. As writers, our Normal Ship left port without

Bloody Bill Scarlette and the Pirates of Literati
In truth, the pirate community is filled with some of the best, most friendly people I’ve ever met. At this point I’ve made numerous acquain

I Don't Quit
About 25 years ago, I began my first novel, Aphrodite’s Whisper. I mainly wrote at night after the kids went to bed and on the weekends. I

What Writers Do
“You are a writer. The ‘normal’ ship sailed without you long ago.” Terri Main
I’ve neglected my blog these past weeks because I’m deep int

A Keane Eye for History
Mary Beth Keane doesn't write books, she creates illusion with words. Fever, a historical drama about Mary Mallon (aka Typhoid Mary) is

Take my advice – I'm not using it.
I received a query from a nice lady the other day seeking general advice and thought that others who are just starting down the publishing r

Of Irish Pirates and other Wonderful Women
Just a quick blog about my successful (first ever) book signing. Not ever having done such a thing I wasn't entirely sure what to expec

Return of the Dread I
And now I find myself in a new home nestled along the side of a creek that flows into the Neuse River. As a writer of historical fiction, i