The Walking Dead: Search and Destroy (a review)
No apologies. I love zombie stories. And nobody writes 'em better than Jay Bonansinga. If F. Scott Fitzgerald is to writing what...

Cherie Priest – (Steampunk) Rock Star
Ahhhh... Steampunk. Proof that there is something new under the sun. If you don't get Steampunk, you don't get Steampunk. If you

Hidden Figures (a review)
Author William Charles Furney reviews Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly.

Gillian Flynn – Queen of Dark
Bill's Blog Shorts: Check 'em out. You never know what's in 'em. Of the four authors I've listed in my Fab Four, Ms. Flynn is the one I'd...

Stephen King – The Master
Bill's Blog Shorts: Check 'em out. You never know what's in 'em. My website features a look at four authors who I greatly admire. At the...

The Girl with All The Gifts (a review)
A review of M.R. Carey's "The Girl with All The Gifts"

Black Hearts|White Bones
A short blog update on the progress of the novel, Black Hearts|White Bones.
To boldly go...
What better way to start a blog about books, writing, and publishing than to steal the opening line from the original Star Trek and spit...